Portable paint booth for cars - Professional spot repair
Portable paint booth for cars

Portable paint booth for cars

A revolutionary mobile paint booth custom designed for professional spot repairs

Mobile Hybrid Paint Booth

The Mobile Hybrid Paint Booth enables you to paint anywhere. It attaches directly to the damaged area of the car, creating an enclosed space for the perfect spot repair.

What truly sets the Mobile Hybrid Spray Booth apart from all equivalent products is the location of the painter. Unlike traditional solutions, the painter is safely located outside the paint booth instead of working on the inside, along with dangerous fumes and substances. Meaning that a paint job can be achieved completely without a mask, glasses, etc.


Revolutionizing spot repairs.
Work anywhere!

What makes it unique?

✔ Allows profitable spot repairs (1 panel)
✔ Repair minor damages outside the spray booth
✔ Less waiting, less cleaning
✔ Compliance with regulations
✔ Sustainable
✔ Adds flexibility to the workflow
✔ Safer working environment
✔ Lowers energy consumption by up to 96%
✔ No need to wear a protective suit, respirator, etc.

Hybrid paint booth for on location spot repairs

Paint anywhere, no limitations!

The Mobile Hybrid Paint Booth has no limitations on where it can be used. It can be deployed everywhere! Since the mobile paint booth completely encloses the repair/paint area you can even place it in workshops where additional people are present. Looking to the near future the Hybrid Booth is also the optimal solution for electric vehicles where the risk of explosion is typically higher.


With the EXTENDER (optional add-on) you can effortlessly access any painting area of a damaged vehicle, even when it is positioned at a considerable height. Ideal for vehicles on lifts, buses, trucks, caravans, or mobile homes. It effortlessly raises the hybrid paint booth 1350 mm from the floor, resulting in a total height of more than 2.7 meters.

Maximum spray dimensions
H: 1000 mm x W 1000 mm
110-230V 16A standard socket

1 Filtered air inlet
2 Clear illumination from external LED light
3 CE and ATEX compliant

4 Outlet with paint-stop filter
5 Outlet fans with high airflow capacity
6 Mounted wheels x 4

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كشك طلاء الإصلاح الذكي

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